lol YES! I Hurt myself AGAIN! this time I was riding my bike and my foot sort of hit the front wheel and it got a big bruise and today it has bumps on it
lol well that's summer for ya! you get a lot more hurt in summer then winter I think
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Posted by
Friday, May 30, 2008
yupsie lol another poem. this one I made really randomly. first sentence is rhyming while the rest just "goes" lol I don't know if you can do that.....but I did it anyway! but be honest and tell me what you think!
the wind blowing slightly as I lay under my favorite apple tree
blue sky's as far as I can see
I eat an apple and see my white fluffy kitten coming, meowing so cutely
she comes up and purrs, I pet her for a while.
as she falls asleep,
the warm wind drifting me to sleep as well
Posted by
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Yeah sorry again haven't been updatin much. so yeah I found out this new blog! which I am sooo happy because it's someone completely new! too bad I couldn't find more blogs like that, that were attached to a lot more different blogs. but anywayz! today Haylie came over and we did like this mini concert thing and put makeup on and stuff, I put mascara on my lower lashes but then it smudged so I looked all goth-ish! then I put light green eye shadow on and it looked kind of better but kind of worse lol it looked all messy-ish. lol you can tell I don't use it much.
yeah but Haylie's looked pretty good! who would've known? lol
I wanted it to look like this with the lower lashes thing:
how do they make it look so PERFECT???
Posted by
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Okay ouuuucchhhhh!
lol no I didn't fall down the stairs again. but I hit my forehead on my knee! OUCH! lol
it got a little red but I think it's normal......dare I look in the mirror? lol
well yeah I'm going to a family get-together soon, it's my dad's family, and they're 90% Humor and 10% somethin else lol.
we'll be going shopping and stuff, I'm not as excited as I would be if I was going on vacation and like if it was only 3 days left. but hopefully I'll have a lot of fun!
well cya!
Posted by
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Hey Look I got really cool Smiley's! =D
I think that Haylie has them too, and Sarah just got them!
here's some summer ones!
lol this is what I'll be like this summer: runnin through the sprinkler!
rather be really hot then really cold! lol
Posted by
Friday, April 25, 2008
Haven't posted in a while
oh! sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just been busy or didn't feel like it.
I hope people still read my blog!
Sabrina's party is coming up, she said there's gonna be dancing, and Sabrina can you tell me pleaseeee if it's an all girl party or not?
well yeah like I said I've been reallyyyy busy this week, like since monday I've been doing something every day lol
well see ya later!
Posted by
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Haven't had Sabrina over for a while
I haven't had Sabrina over for a while, but I'll fix that! lol
I keep saying this but I CANNOT wait until SUMMER!!!!
what's the first thing you'll do when the first time it reaches 70?
tell me in a comment!
the first thing I'D do is get dressed and run outside and tell everyone it's reallyyyy nice out and jump up and down and spend the whole day outside and take a bike ride lol
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