me and Nicole went as mutant bunny's lol, it was so much fun! we were cracking up when we saw ourselves! sooo funny! I didn't get that much candy though, even mom noticed. but anyways lots of funnn!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
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Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sad world ant over yet
it's not over yet, but I have a feeling Rose will leave, it just hasn't hit me yet, but I'm going to talk about other things for the sake of the people reading this lol, and so when I come to my blog I don't get reminded.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's a sad world....
we might give away rose because she attacked my mom and my mom said if she did that to my little brother or brother's friend that they might die from it, I mean she bit my mom twice! and she had to go to the hospital to get a shot! I'm really really sad, I had her since 2005 and her leaving and never come back...i gotta go
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Yay!! look at the lil packmans!
or whatever their called....anyways the one in the far right corner is yellow and my favorite! I named it bob, lol
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I can never tell what Nicole is going to be for Halloween, first she says she's going to be a white kitty then a bunny and now I'm not sure, but I think she wants to be a hippie now! we both want to be mutant rabid Jamaican bunny's and I think we still will be, heehee! funny costume huh?
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Monday, October 22, 2007
"Hola" come's from Hawaii, THE PLACE I WANNA GO SOMEDAY!! there's volcano's and stuff and bugs....and snakes that could kill you.......well if you look at it that way I don't wanna go! but Nicole got this adorable beany baby from Hawaii, her sister gave it to her when she went, she said it's all about the sight seeing, but I don't care because I LIVE to LOVE Tropical Goodness, it's just sooo pretty!
I still can't help but feel this blog is dorky because it's a home schooler blog!! and I STILL imagine a home schooler with stretch pants and plays computer all day!!!
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
High School Play
Nicole is in a play! she's in middle school but was invited to be in the high school play! and she's going to sing!! I'm happy for her (like all the other times) but you can't help but be a little jealous, but hey I'm human so it happens right?
then when I think about it, I would never go in front of a huge crowd and sing! (not really "never" I might think about it)
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Monday, October 15, 2007
More Friends
ok now I'll do the rest:
Haley, can be kind of mean sometimes but at others good, she's an inside queen loves the indoors, while I love the outdoors, one of her best qualities is that she's younger than me, which makes it fun since I can be a kid (although she acts like my age sometimes lol she's "mature" for her age)
Penny, younger sister of Sarah, I liked it when we all hanged out, and sometimes with my older brother because he would make it fun, she's....hate to say it....but kind of nicer then Sarah, it's nice to talk to her on the phone.
and that's all my friends!
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
My Friends
My friends are all different, so we'll start with...
Nicole, me and her constantly laugh about....well anything! she might start laughing about something funny I did, and I start laughing because of the way she' laughing! or if we're playing Bratz and one of the Bratz fall down and hit their head and we start cracking up! so much that we cry or can't breath! we're hazardous!...but not in the Riannah way...
Riannah, a real pain in the butt sometimes, she says know crab....but with a p at the end, yes my family says it, but I just don't like the word, so I don't say it!
Sarah, hates it when Penny is around us, sometimes she gets really mad at me because I'm around her, it started out my brother was friends with Sarah and me and Penny made fun of them, me and Penny had a lot of fun (even though she's the same age as Haley..younger than me) and then Sarah stopped being mean to me and stoop up for me! and so me and Penny and Sarah were friends!
I'll do others later bye!!
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I was searching this: (works) (works) (works) (works) (works) (works) (dosen't work) (works)
so yeah, my faves out of all the ones I tried were Preteenz and Diary2girls, there blogs are sooo cool!
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somethin else
for some strange reason, when I think of home schooler, I think of a freak in stretch pants with zits are over her face and plays computer all day, but I'M not a dork!....or am I? I DO go on the computer, but I loveee the outdoors! just ask Haley! (she's a friend of mine but two years younger than me) she's totally in love with the indoors but hey! everyone is different right?
is a person cool if they have lots of friends who go to school? lol I'd be cool then because pretty much ALL my friends go to school, expect for three, Sarah and her little sister Penny and Riannah, Riannah is sort of a friend, we haven't seen each other for a while once then when I DID see her she was sort of mean, and a HAZARD!! one time we went to visit my grandmother out of state and me and her went down to the beach alone, and then when we were in the water she went underwater and said "common! go underwater!!" and I said no no! because I can't open my eyes underwater, and she tried pushing my head underwater!!! I didn't let her know, but inside....I WAS REALLY MAD!! I told her once when me and Nicole came to the beach we threw wet sand at eachother, and so Riannah threw dry sand at me!! boy there is sure a difference between wet and dry sand!! OMG! I wrote A LOT! so bye!
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Hannah-banana here!
(to all the home schoolers) hey have you ever had this kind of conversation with a school kid while your doing a school activitie?
school kid: what school do you go to?
Me: oh I home school
school kid: oh...............................
(and then theres silence)
well this happens to me A LOT because I do a lot of school activities with Nicole, like clay making. it's like guaranteed to happen! hellooooo school kids its not like I'm from a different planet!
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hey! it's my thirteenth birthday in January! my profile says I'm 13 but really I'm turning thirteen in January, it's not like I'm excited like Sarah was when she turned thirteen....I mean you turn...teenager when your 13 (well no duh!) but the up side is I'll have a big birthday since it's my 13th! yay!! I still act like a 12 year old, but Nicole goes to dances!! and she's the same age as me!! she says she just goes to dance and eat food....with her friend...thats a girl (and I'm glad too!!!) I went to a dance one time with Nicole, we were 11, and we acted like we were kittens getting thrown into a dog pound! it was my first....and my last! I said it was the darkest day of my life, and it kind of still is, Nicole is used to stuff like that since she gets it from school, cause some of her friends....ya of girl...which I think is down right disturbing so yeah she's used to it, I think she was just acting like it was scary, and your probably thinking "hey, if it was so scary why didn't you leave right away?" well Nicole's mom paid for us to come in, so Nicole and I didn't want her to think she wasted her money, we didn't really want to go to the dance, there were other things there too, but they were closed! it was a halloween dance and it was storming outside perfect for the worst day of your life isn't it?!
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Hannah here!
hey! Hannah here! I made this blog to just say anything, and prove that home schoolers are cool and not dumb hill billy's, we are all different....and there might be a computer freak home schooler out there somewhere, but I'm not that person! a lot of home schoolers are nice (well me and my mom's group that is) like my friend Sarah, shes one year older than me, and she's not ugly or over weight....or a hill billy! yayy!! lol, my best friend goes to school, she is a little different then when she was 3 when we met, new haircut new style and everything, she has a lot of friends at school and the popular girls want her in their group! she said she would never (but I bet secretly she's happy that people like the populars like her, she's been through a lot) her name is Nicole, and even if she's this big hit at school she acts totally different when she's with me, we have so much fun and play Bratz! call us crazy! and well, she gets to act like a kid again when we're together, which is great!
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