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Friday, November 30, 2007


I was bored, so here's a quiz like thing on friendship 101!

1. if one of your friends keeps talking about how mad they are about something, listen, there trying to get their anger out and diary's only do half the work

2. when your on the phone with a friend, let them talk and then you talk, it's no fun if someone keeps talking and won't let you get a word in! (unless you don't feel like talking, let them talk lol)

3. also when your on the phone and someone keeps blabbing about something, and you finally get a word in, your friend shouldn't change the subject back to what she/he was talking about, your friend should care about what your talking about!

4. very very important, when your friend says "please stop" stop RIGHT AWAY.....I've had experience lol

5. if your friend all of a sudden dresses a 100% different, remind yourself that her attitude hasn't changed, just her clothes, and that your her friend for her, not what she wears.

6. just be nice to your friends! keep reminding yourself what a true friend does and do it!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Life's Cutest things

don't you wish you were this CUTE?!


I hear it from Nicole and I hear it from Haley know that guy's like.................t....h.em............and since kindergarten!! we are living in a disgusting world! lol I'm glad I don't go to school!!! Nicole is the only one in her school...I think....that isn't a sicko lol and in Haley's school I think she has friend's who aren't sicko's too, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it.......not like I'd have to cause nobody would sometime's my slight uglyness comes in handy! lol


I used to do the Nutcracker ballet since I was I think 5, I used to fall asleep on the way there lol, the only Part I liked was the feeling when you had to go up on stage and dance, then Olivia (my former friend) joined then a couple years later we agreed to do gymnastics instead, Olivia was really really good at it, so she left me to go to level 2 while I was stuck alone at level 1, after a year my mom switched me to a different day, and I suddenly didn't like it, I was all alone so I quit...sad ant it? lol I think it's sad because I love the bars where you have to flip around and stuff but I'm wayyyy too tall to do gymnastics now, well sometime me and Nicole are going to see the nutcracker! it's been a long time since I was there! lol I'm used to acting so seeing people who don't talk and just waddle around dancin will be funnnnyyyyy teehee!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


so Nicole went to the dentist and the dentist said "oh you have the most prettiest eyes!" and that's not the first time! Nicole also went to New York City one time and went to this Chinese store and a random Chinese adult women person came up to Nicole and said the same thing!! Weird ant it?


I just Finished another Mr. Chocolate Yumyums Hunt and BOY it took LONG!! SO YA BETTER ENJOY IT!!!!!! lol


Monday, November 26, 2007


Lol like my new layout? if you scroll down.....they all come with you......if you scroll up....they come with you.....their


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and leave a present for me! I'm telling Preteenz about it so I can leave a present on there's too!

Werid ant it?

Ant it weird how when someone is like 11-5 and how playful and fun and don't care what people think to a person 12-over and how they change a little? Hmm I just think its strange....well anyways!


Sad little me

Nicole is going to the movies with her friend (and my former friend) Liz, I'm sad because there going to see enchanted and I really wanted to see that with Nicole....oh well shes bored so shes gonna do it! waaa I wish she could go with me when I got better!!

.....................................that smiley scares me...............................................

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More Funny Amusement

Mmmm look at that Fly......

Johny! don't stare at it's eyes!!! Johny?? JOHNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny Amusement

Mommy says that if I cover my nose I won't be as hideous so she'll finally talk to me!!

this is wrong.....


Don't I look puretty?

hey! do you think I can be the caterpillar in Alice in wonderland now? it took a lot of surgery so I BETTER GET IT!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Hi hi!

I've been searching for cute little pictures and wow! I fond a lot! although all of their sites say to tell where they came from, and I went to so many I forgot! all I know is that they came from and that's all I know, so I'll just say that I fond them in the affies on that site, I wish I knew!

Hannah(like these I have no clue! usually I say where I got them!)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A lil code


enatay ustjay otgay ewnay lothescay utbay idn'tday utbay id-n'tday ndaay tiay akesmay emay ooklay ikelay aay lobsay
hatsway appeninghay otay enatay?! omecay ackbay enatay eforebay tsiay ootay atelay!...aitway tsiay lreadyaay ootay atelay


yes I play with em! and so does Nicole! (sorry to drag you down with me teehee!) although she doesn't play as much as I do, on the newspaper there's this "contact us" page and you can give suggestions and stuff here are some things that I would suggest for a better webkinz world

1. open the darn kinzchat plus in the clubhouse!!!

2. carnival theme (room) with a cotton candy stand and a ferris wheel bed and stuffs

3. a adorable bluebird Webkinz

4. "Fun Locations" have it part of the clubhouse, when you click on the "Globe" button and then it shows you the country's such as china paris and france then you click it and it brings you to that state where you can chat with friends

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Yay for two reasons!!

first reason, is that Nicole made a blog! yay!

second reason, in a couple of days me go to Sarah's Sleepover'n'party! eeeee!! lol

happy birthday Sarah! (even though it's a couple days away!)

and I also fond this...disturbing ant it?

Sunday, November 11, 2007


She WAS going to do a blog, but doesn't anymore.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hey Nicole!

Nicole You should have a blog like this, it's fun telling about yourself, I would have fun looking at dooo ittttt doooo itttttt!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sarah..sometimes good...sometimes bad

me and Sarah and Penny are in this swim and we go once a week, a lot of people come, Me Sarah and Penny and Riannah went about a couple of years all together it was sooo much fun! then Riannah didn't do it anymore, so it was just Me Sarah and Penny, but still even MORE fun! and then one terrible year...or I think it was about 6 months, Lia Sarah's best friend came, and then no more happiness, Sarah wouldn't stop hanging out with her! it's like I wasn't there! Riannah and her best friend Nora asked if I could swim with them because Sarah was leaving me out so much, but I said no, and continued to try to get included, then out of no where Sarah and Lia started none stop talking to me and saying "over here come over here lets play a game! common!" I know some how someone told them to play with me although I felt like a 3 year old, then, this year, Sarah met two more friends they look stuck up, and so Sarah none stop talked to them, now leaving Lia AND me out, I talked to her about that time she was leaving me out, and she's doing it AGAIN! rrrrr!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sarah's Parta!

Sarah's Birthday Party is coming up! first a party, then a sleepover! woohoo!!
Sarah has been dieing for me to meet one of her friends....and its a boy, she wants me to meet him so badly because she's good friends with him and me and Sarah are good friends, but still.....its a boy....I have all girl friends and the only boys I know are my family and friend's little brothers and dad's, so...well I don't know how to act around them really, but after I meet him then I can enjoy the party, and then the sleepover!!! yay!

Haven't Heard from Haley

I haven't heard from Haley in a while, probably cause she's busy or somethin
I wonder what she's doing.....

Still not Sick

I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna make it! lol
Nicole is not going to sing in her Play after all, I mean she is but not alone, she told the teacher she didn't want to, I don't blame her.
it's weird because every time I drop her off at play practice after days when we play together ("hang out" as the school kids and teens say it lol) and when she goes in, I have an urge to go in with her, like its calling for me! lol...but that would be weird cause nobody knows me except the teacher its like

"Hiii I'm Hannahhhh You don't know me but I'm in the play nowwww"
"no your not!"
"yesssss I ammmmm"

Friday, November 2, 2007


yay! I'm still not sick! go me go me!




cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

