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Friday, April 25, 2008

Haven't posted in a while

oh! sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've just been busy or didn't feel like it.

I hope people still read my blog!

Sabrina's party is coming up, she said there's gonna be dancing, and Sabrina can you tell me pleaseeee if it's an all girl party or not?

well yeah like I said I've been reallyyyy busy this week, like since monday I've been doing something every day lol

well see ya later!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Haven't had Sabrina over for a while

I haven't had Sabrina over for a while, but I'll fix that! lol

I keep saying this but I CANNOT wait until SUMMER!!!!

what's the first thing you'll do when the first time it reaches 70?

tell me in a comment!

the first thing I'D do is get dressed and run outside and tell everyone it's reallyyyy nice out and jump up and down and spend the whole day outside and take a bike ride lol


Monday, April 14, 2008


I was flipping through channels when I came to Winnie the Pooh......and I can't believe it but I started WATCHING IT! lol.

this is the super strange part.....but I almost laughed at a funny part on lol

but it made me happy....that counts right? lol


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiz: do you have Internet addiction? lol

Test to see if you are completely addicted to the computer. (this is just a quiz, I didn't aim this at anybody AT ALL)

1. you just got home from school, whats the first thing you do?

A. Have a snack, do homework, Watch TV or just hang around the house

B. make a craft, check once to see if someone is on IM, or watch TV

C. rush to the computer to see if someone is on IM, check your blog, check your email, or check everything

2. do you have any friend's on your buddy list that you've never met in person?

A. NO! it's dangerous

B. only 1 or 2

C. yeah, when I get bored and nobody is on, I search IM names to find someone to chat with, I now have 7.

3. do you ever say in person, "omg!" or "ttyl" or a saying like that?

A. No

B. sometimes

C. Yeah all the time.

4. when you get into a fight with a friend, do you threaten to take them off your buddy list or get them blocked from it?

A. No, why would I do that?

B. Just once

C. Yes

Tally up your score!

Mostly A's

Internet is not for you, you'd rather be doing other things, you only go online if you have to for a important reason.

Mostly B's
your not addicted, but you do go on a lot, it's good your not spending the whole day inside and online.

Mostly C's
Hate to brake it to ya, but you've got a case of the Internet Addiction. you go on way more then you should in a day, maybe do more activities to get away from the Internet, and try to make it through a day without going online, then maybe try 2 days then a week. maybe you'll brake free from the disease!

Monday, April 7, 2008


this morning I was so happy for no reason, probaly because it was sunny out, my room was clean, and I have these two new pillows I got that have Hawaiian flowers on it.

lol I wish it was like this every morning.


Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Arm

well, it's more like my wrist. but yeah I hurt it yesterday when I was playing with my little brother. we were on this old mattress we have in this room. and it was up against the wall and since we haven't finished the ceiling in that room yet I put two blankets through the wood in the ceiling and tied it, one was really strong, and one was smaller and had Thomas the tank engine on it lol.

so yeah we were pretending we were climbing at mountain and my little brother was hanging from one, and I was sitting on mine. then, I fell all the way down and landed on my wrist. yeah and I think I was in shock so I didn't feel it hurt, but I was so in shock and I think hurting that I couldn't cry. not like I then I had to sit down for a while. and then I was gonna play again. but it never stopped hurting. yeah of course I told my mom lol.

today it doesn't ache anymore. just sore and I can twist my wrist like what you would do when you open a doorknob.

sooo yeah thats what I've been up to! lol not too pleasant.



cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

