Kelly, from is my cousin (and friend) to see the bio of her go to the "friends" thing on the side
Kelly, from is my cousin (and friend) to see the bio of her go to the "friends" thing on the side
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go on my blog on Internet Explorer to see my blog with a cool cursor, I'm pretty sure you can only see it on Internet Explorer.d
these are some other blogs you should check out! Preteenz
Nicole's blog!
from (and from's affies)
Nicole, me and her constantly laugh about....well anything! she might start laughing about something funny I did, and I start laughing because of the way she' laughing! or if we're playing Bratz and one of the Bratz fall down and hit their head and we start cracking up! so much that we cry or can't breath! we're hazardous!...but not in the Riannah way...
Riannah, a real pain in the butt sometimes, she says know crab....but with a p at the end, yes my family says it, but I just don't like the word, so I don't say it!
Sarah, hates it when Penny is around us, sometimes she gets really mad at me because I'm around her, it started out my brother was friends with Sarah and me and Penny made fun of them, me and Penny had a lot of fun (even though she's the same age as Haley..younger than me) and then Sarah stopped being mean to me and stoop up for me! and so me and Penny and Sarah were friends!
Haley, can be kind of mean sometimes but at others good, she's an inside queen loves the indoors, while I love the outdoors, one of her best qualities is that she's younger than me, which makes it fun since I can be a kid (although she acts like my age sometimes lol she's "mature" for her age)
Penny, younger sister of Sarah, I liked it when we all hanged out, and sometimes with my older brother because he would make it fun, she's....hate to say it....but kind of nicer then Sarah, it's nice to talk to her on the phone.
Kelly, oldest, but pretty cool! we're cousins so we go to thanksgiving and stuff together, we shop together a lot and it's pretty fun she loves pizza at the mall and loves smells (weird huh? lol) and she's good at painting.
lol!!! look aat the kitty's nose!!!! What a big hooter!
can u stop with the popup thing? It's sooo ANNOYING!!!!!!! YOU FREAK!! DELETE IT!!!!!!
~Kelly =)
teehee I know I made it that way..teehee it's a clown nose! HONK HONK!! oh and I told my dad about the markys again and he CRACKED UP!! lol
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