right now I'm eating a strawberry starburst......yummmm lol
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Cute Kittens!
these kitten's are soooo CUTE!!! I just wanna squeeze em!
look at the poor harmless white kitty with the orange cat! poor lil white kitty!
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there's MORE pictures on my background!!
I'm gonna try having a different background for a while and change my password.
maybe it won't do it anymore?
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Sunday, February 24, 2008
A Feeling
do you ever get that qweezy feeling when someone gets you a present that she thinks is SO adorable and she told you she said that for a hour or so but to you it's the most ugliest thing you've ever seen?
lol well that happened to me, Although I can't hide it anywhere cause she'll wonder were it is and then find out it's in a box with a whole bunch of toys and junk lol.
it looks like a drawing I'd make and laugh at....:
meet...............THE WOMPKEE! (dun dun dunnnnn)
Posted by
Saturday, February 23, 2008
first that other one and now there was a half nakey boy!!!!! EWWWWWW!!!
WHY ME!???!?!!??!?
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Thursday, February 21, 2008
when I came onto my blog it had a weird background!
sometimes when I have other blogs, I put backgrounds on them, and they also appear in a different blog, but this is the first time it happened with one I never saw before!
this is what the background was:
p.s. Nicole do you who's it is?
Posted by
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Blogs coming and going!
So Many Blogs are shutting down and new ones coming up! aaaahh! lol and I gotta change my affiliations! here are some blogs I know that shut down or ARE shutting down:
My Dark Side Diary (yukino)
Diary of a Soda pop Girl (Kelly)
Tales of Steph and Kate (Steph and Kate)
Lindsay in the Real World (Lindsay)
and these are new ones I've just noticed:
Dolphin and Wolf (don't know their real names)
Life Of Gem (Gem)
Exercise and Health 101 (Jenna)
Posted by
Monday, February 18, 2008
VERY Aware.
I got new clothes a couple of days ago with my mom, it does make me look skinner I guess, but I'm VERY Aware to NEVER change my personality. changing your personality is changing the uniqueness of yourself am I right?
Sarah will keep me on ground. she says stuff about my clothes, but she says she likes them. but she says "they make you look teen-ish" and "your acting more mature" that's THE LAST thing I want!
I hope Haley and Nicole don't think I took their advice and got tighter clothes...cuz I didn't. I just thought the clothes looked pretty. I'm also wearing necklaces which Sarah Also noticed....
it makes me sick thinking of me changing. and I wanna REALLY assure Sarah that I'll never change.....cause I kinda know how it feels when people change (for the better?)
p.s. FOREVER!!!
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here's a story I did a while ago. here it is:
Hi! It’s my time writing in you! Ya see I used to have a “write in” journal, but my little sister kept readin it so I had to switch, ok so first I
tell you about Lea, my
, she is so
and she’s always there for me and
soooo good! She moved to Canada though
I still wish she didn’t move, we had so many good memories in Florida (where I
) like we both got our ears pierced together, and we got them at the
and the same day we got BFF necklaces because tomorrow she was moving……it was like a goodbye party……waaa!! *sniff* so that’s Lea……my Birthday is coming up………the only thing I want for my birthday is to see Lea……I don’t care if it was for a day or a week, every minute would count! Well I gotta
One week until my Hurray!! I don’t have any party stuff except the invites sent; I don’t even know where to have my party! Well I hope all goes well………
Three more days until my B-day!!!
Two more days until my B to the D to the A to the Y!
TOMORROW’S MY B-DAY!! I’m panicking! I still don’t have anything ready! My mom and dad aren’t even doing anything! WHAT KIND OF PARENT’S ARE THEY??!!!
WHAT?!?!?!? a stupid mystery trip??!! Ok here’s what happened:
Me: mom!! My Birthday is tomorrow!! Why don’t you have anything prepared??!!
Mom: calm down hun! Your sis-I mean I don’t know what I’m saying………
Dad: we’re giving you a mystery trip!
Me: a WHAT?!?!? That’s ALL for my BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?
Dad: trust us you’ll like it!
Mom: so you can calm down and eat your breakfast
Me: uuuuuuhhhhhhh!!
This is my 13th birthday! I would want something better than a stinkin mystery trip! I wish Lea was here…………
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Doing a New Story
I'm doing a new story. but I gotta think what their names are and stuff lol
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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Rest of the Story
the rest of the Mia story is long lol. tell me if it got interesting!
Lilly and Mia went over to where Mia’s mom was. “Lilly! Long time no see!” said Mia’s Mom. “Right back at cha!” said Lilly. (Lilly had a strange bond with Mia’s mom; it was like Lilly’s Second Mother) “Is your mom around?” said Mia’s mom. “No, my Grandmother is though. I come visit her every couple of months” said Lilly. “Oh okay, tell your mom I said Hi” said Mia’s Mom. “K” said Lilly. After Lilly and Mia went swimming it was sunset and time to go. Lilly and Mia exchanged E-mail addresses and phone numbers. Mia then had to go over and tell Olivia they were leaving. Mia’s heart started to pump. She was scared to death to go over to Olivia. as she walked up she got a little dizzy. “Who are YOU?” said one of Olivia’s Friends. “Some geek that washed up from the lake?” said another one of Olivia’s Friends. Everyone laughed. Mia got madder “she didn’t stand up for me again!” Mia thought. Then she said really fast “Olivia, my mom is already packed up lets go” said Mia walking towards the car and hoping Olivia is following. “Oh My Gosh! You KNOW her??” said one of Olivia’s Friends. “NO! No I don’t! She’s just uh……my sister……” said Olivia and got up and walked away. The car ride home was quite too. Mia got even madder. That was it! She was going to bring Olivia to Mia’s Room and tell her everything! Olivia got out and followed Mia to Mia’s Room. Mia shut the door and was about to talk when Olivia said “don’t come up to me again in front of those girls! I was sooo EMBARRASED!” “WELL YOU KNOW WHAT OLIVIA?” said Mia. “Hellooo why are you yelling at me?” said Olivia. “Because……because……you NEVER stand up for me!” Mia blurted. “Like at lunch
Mia sat at her moving chair for a while, staring at her painted toes that her and Olivia had done when Olivia invited Mia over for a sleepover. She felt sick and sad. But then remember how awful Olivia was treating her. Then got up and went to get the nail polish remover in the bathroom. Mia sat on the side of the bathtub scrubbing her feet like crazy when Mia’s mom came in. “Hey Cupcake does Pizza sound good for dinner tonight? I’ll order it right now I’ve got the phone.” Said Mia’s Mom, Mia was already mad about Olivia, now madder realizing her other problem that her mom buys her everything. “Sure.” Said Mia angrily, Mia’s Mom looked at Mia confused “what’s up?” said Mia’s Mom. “Nothing.” Said Mia not looking up at her mom, “oh…well…okay…but if you ever want to talk about it I’m all ears” said Mia’s Mom walking out. Mia, not thinking about it, finished scrubbing her toes.
The Next Day it was slightly raining, Mia didn’t feel like thinking about what she’ll wear today and just put something on that was clean. “You missed the bus Mia. I’ll drive you” said Mia’s Mom getting her coat on. “WHA?!?!” said Mia getting hers on too. Before she knew it they were in the car driving to the school. It was silent until they got there and Mia’s Mom said “have a great day sweetie, I love you” Mia didn’t say anything and ran into the school. Just to make the Day worst, the first person she saw was Olivia with the populars. She heard over heard some of their conversation “I love your shirt!” said one girl. “I love your boots! I have them too, their the real kind right?” said another girl. Mia rolled her eyes and kept walking. “Hey look it’s the geek who gets anything she wants!” said one of the populars. “What are they talking about?!” thought Mia. “lil miss spoiled!” said another girl. “How do they know about my mom buying me everything I want?! It was a secret! That I told……oh no…” Thought Mia, she walked angrily up to Olivia and the other girls. “YOU TOLD THEM?!?! Everyone’s gonna hate me Olivia!!” said Mia angrily. “Who cares, we’re not friends anymore!” said Olivia turning her back on her. “DUH!” said a girl. And they all walked away. Mia headed towards the bathrooms and everyone was whispering “I bet if she wanted her own plane her mom would give it to her” said a girl. “Yeah! Probably any color she wanted!” said a guy. Mia went to the bathrooms to cry. Then when a girl came in she walked out. The rest of the day it was raining. Then when her mom came to pick her up, she was so sad. “What’s wrong honey?” said Mia’s mom. Mia got in the car silent. And they drove home. “Hey, wanna stop by Claires and get something to cheer you up?” said Mia’s Mom. Mia wanted to keep silent, but there was just too much inside, she couldn’t anymore. “No! Mom, that would just make it worst.” Said Mia,“What do you mean? You love Claires!” said Mia’s Mom. “Mom! Ever since my step dad left you always buy me EVERYTHING! I told Olivia now everyone at school knows it and everyone thinks I’m a spoiled brat! Plus me and Olivia aren’t Friend’s anymore because she likes the Populars more than me and she changed SO much and…and…” said Mia now in tears. “Oh…Honey…I thought it would keep your Mind off loosing your step dad, I’m Sorry, I…I guess I was going overboard. And making it worst.” Said Mia’s Mom reaching over to hug Mia. Mia started to feel relieved, like a black whole inside her turning into a bright sun. Mia’s Mom suddenly didn’t know the big flood in front of her, workmen were saying stop! And Mia’s Mom couldn’t. Mia got startled and scared and jumped out of the car. “MIA!!” said Mia’s Mom as her car and her ran right into the flood and the car disappeared. “MOM!!!” said Mia too sad to even cry. “Guys hurry!! Go get a toe truck!!! Or rope! Anything somebody just went right into the flood!!” said a workman. “We’re gonna try to save her Okay?” said the workmen to Mia. Mia nodded her head, “go wait over there with the other workers. Everything will be all right” said the workman. Mia saw people rushing back and forth. Then saw a News crew coming. “About a half an hour ago young 12 year old Mia and her Mom were driving towards this flood. It is told that Mia had jumped out of the car leaving her Mom driving into the flood. More news will be reported for this.” Said a News Reporter, Looking at the flood. They all waited, and soon the tip of the car came out and they pulled it up on land. Mia stood up and hoped her mom was alive. They searched the car everywhere, but her mom was not there. Mia got tears in her eyes. And sat back down. She didn’t notice Olivia coming towards her “Mia? I heard everything and came down as fast as I could.” Said Olivia. Mia looked up. “Where’s your Friends?” said Mia snotty. “You are my Friend, your right; those other girls didn’t like me for who I am, they didn’t even know my name. You were such a good friend to me; I should have been a better friend to you. I’m sorry.” Said Olivia sitting next to Mia, “you can stay with me and my mom, if you want.” Said Olivia. “Okay.” Said Mia as she got up, still it wasn’t the same bright sunshine she felt when she cleared things up with her mom. But at least it was something. Hours past and Mia sat on Olivia’s coach looking at her feet. Olivia doing the same, it was that moment where just being there was the best thing Olivia could do. “Time for bed” said Olivia’s mom softly. They went up and got into Olivia’s bed. “Is this the same girl who was stuck up and mean?” Mia thought. As they went to sleep.
When Mia woke up the next day she started crying again. Olivia woke up to hearing Mia cry. “Girls get ready for school” said Olivia’s Mom yelling from downstairs. It was silent as they got ready. And headed downstairs to eat breakfast, Mia played with her food, one of her hands holding her head up. There was a knock at the door. “Hello?” said Olivia’s Mom. “Come quick!” said a workman. Olivia and Mia got up and Olivia’s Mom drove them down to the flood again. Surely, there was her mom wrapped in a towel. “MOM!!!!!!!!!” said Mia running as fast as she could to her mom. Mia hugged her mom so hard she could barely breath. “how did you?-“ said Mia “I opened the door underwater but I was swept away by the river. I was determined to live. I thought what would happen to you if I wasn’t alive.” Said Mia’s Mom cutting Mia’s words off “I can’t believe you made it! I love you mom.” Said Mia hugging her mom more.
After this, Mia’s mom was more aware of driving. Olivia was Mia’s Friend again. And it was a happy ending.
Posted by
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Doggy Doggy!
yesterday, the same golden retriever that followed home my brother and mom. came to our house again! I had to bring Sarah home with my mom and me and Sarah couldn't play with it cause she's a little allergic (I'd die if I were her) but I wish I did. and then my mom said "go home!!" to it for it to go home cause it needed to and then when we drove out it had the "puppy eyes" and then turned and walked away somewhere. awww!!
it looked like this:
Posted by
Sunday, February 10, 2008
GUESS WHAT I DID TODAY?!?!?!?!?!?!..................................................I did nothing! lol
just went uptown with my mom, I've been taking Ice Skating Lessons. I have to know this snow plow stop before I get to level 2. I would rather be the first one to leave and have to be around people I don't know then be the last to leave level 1 and stuck around "Munchkins" as our teacher says lol.
Posted by
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mia Mia Mia!
here's more of the story!
The car ride over to the lake was very silent. Mia was wondering if Olivia was worth it. So many question’s came to her head, “why didn’t she stand up for me?” or “does she still want me to be her friend?” Mia was still clueless and a little mad, but before she got over it, they reached the lake. Everyone got out except Olivia and Mia. They stood in another awkward silence. Mia was about to confront Olivia about the other day when Olivia didn’t stand up for her. But then Olivia squeaked “Oh My Gosh! There’s
E-mailed each other because Mia got a new E-mail and Mia and her Family moved just about 10 house’s down because there used to be collage kids that lived next to them and had a party almost every night. “Wow! Mia! You look so much older!” said Lilly, “haha! So do you!” said Mia. “so whatcha been up to?” said Lilly. “Here’s your Ice Cream” said the girl. “Oh thanks” said Mia. “You STILL Like moose tracks?” said Lilly. “Oh COURSE!” said Mia. Lilly and Mia walked towards the beach. Mia passed Olivia and the two other girls who looked really mean. Lilly saw Mia looking towards Olivia. “Hey is that Olivia? why don’t we go say Hi! She looks a little different…” said Lilly walking towards Olivia. “NO!!” said Mia pulling Lilly back. “Why?” said Lilly “um, well, I um……I’m kinda having problems with Olivia right now.” Mia said. “Oh……” said Lilly. “She’s kinda *changed*” said Mia.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hannah's Chat
I made a whole site for chatin lol to see it go HERE
it's just if like your trying to communicate with me, or I'm trying to communicate with someone. or one of my friend's is trying to communicate with one of my other friends lol
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Me and Stairs
Me + Stairs = OUCH!
I keep tripping on my stairs!! today was the biggest slip yet! I was bringing the phone to my mom. and I tripped and went down about 4 stairs or 5 or 6 lol. I hurt right below my nee, the left side of my right foot. and my right pointing finger, lol right now I'm using my middle finger to write cause my pointing finger hurts. but it's not anything serious I'm starting to feel better already.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Inside scoop on my REAL LIFE DIARY!
my Diary is not like a regular Diary, I keep it on a document. it's much better than a writing diary because you can design it however you want. and you can delete it but I never do lol. it can also do anything a writing diary can do. you can put pictures and mostly anything you can in it. here's a picture of the front design, I really like the design!
sorry for the bad quality!
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More of da story
by the way, even though it might sound like it, this story is not about ANY of my Friends. it's just fun to write!
Mia’s mom came down the stairs just as Olivia and Mia were going upstairs. Mia’s mom had a weird expression on her face. Olivia started to feel really uncomfortable. Then Mia’s mom said “oh! Very cute outfit Olivia!” and Olivia smiled and said “oh thank you” and Olivia and Mia went upstairs. Olivia flopped herself on Mia’s neat bed, just as she always did. Mia smiled, “well it’s good she still has some old habits” Mia thought. Olivia then put one hand on Mia’s bed and the other hand holding up Olivia’s head. There was an awkward silence. Mia and Olivia never had these; they always got up and started doing their wiggly dance. Mia thought, if she started, Olivia would join in. so Mia got up and started wiggling around. Then Olivia said “WHAT are you doing?! Stop before somebody out the window see’s you! Your such a nerd like
P.s. leave a comment and tell me:
what do you think will happen between Olivia and Mia? will they not be Friend's anymore?
or work this out?
Posted by
Monday, February 4, 2008
Friends Liking each other or hating each other?
what would you rather have? your Friends despise each other? or your Friends really enjoy each other?well, I'd rather have Friends liking each other. because then I can have Birthday Party's and all my friends can come and look forward to seeing each other. but hey, anyone wouldn't help being jealous (and I mean anyone if there were in the same place as me.) of their Friends liking each other too much. I guess you just gotta hit your head and tell yourself to shut up and think about something else lol.
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Friday, February 1, 2008
more story
lol here's more:
Mia woke up to a sunny day, but Mia didn’t feel very *sunny* she was thinking about Olivia. she forced herself out of bed and went downstairs. Her mom was (yet again) making a big breakfast. “Sunny on a Saturday! How nice!” said Mia’s mom. “it’s Saturday?” said Mia. She had totally forgotten it was Saturday. “yup, do you want to do something? Something outside in the sun? maybe go to the lake?” said Mia’s Mom. Mia thought about it and thought it wasn’t a bad idea. But she wanted Olivia to come. Last time Mia saw Olivia it left a bad feeling Mia had towards Olivia. “so can Olivia come?” said Mia heading towards the stairs to get ready. “Sure! I don’t see why not!” said Mia’s mom. Mia was getting a little annoyed with the artificial way her mom talked, but first she wanted to clean up the mess with Olivia. After an hour Olivia was knocking on the front door. “HI! Olivi-what’s with the outfit?” said Mia. “Oh! My mom and me went shopping! It’s where ALL my Friends get their clothes!” said Olivia. “all her Friends? Does she mean those mean populars?” Mia thought. “oh uh…cool…come in” said Mia as they both walked in.
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I went to the Ice Skating Rink again lol, I go with Sarah every week. we used to do this other activity but it got boring so we do this instead. it's Penny, Sarah, Sarah's mom, Sarah's little brother, Me, My mom and my little brother. sometimes other homeschoolers come, like this time. in our group (don't know how they got in) there is this mother and her 12 year old and around 8 year old daughters. their mother is CREEPY! she is sort of short and has ear, mouth, nose, eyebrow and I think others on her face. and she wears knitted clothes it looks like she's poor. and her daughters sort of dress the same but without the piercings (thank goodness!) and the 12 year old girl wanted to sit with me and Sarah. we were eating fries and stuff and she said "oh I can't have that my mom is REALLY strict with what I eat." and then Sarah's mom said "oh I think they have fruit over there" and Sarah was sooo nice! and said "I can buy it for you" you could tell that the girl was about to cry. I don't know why but her voice was like it was going to. and then when we got back on the ice she was telling us that her favorite day is Friday because she goes to her dad's house on Fridays and that her mom and dad never got married! and having her was a MISTAKE! and her teeth, her little sister's teeth, and her mom's teeth were all crooked! she can never watch TV only on the weekends and I think internet too. poor her =(
but besides that, there was this women I keep seeing there and she showed me and Sarah some stuff. she was pretty nice!
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