here's a story I did a while ago. here it is:
Hi! It’s my time writing in you! Ya see I used to have a “write in” journal, but my little sister kept readin it so I had to switch, ok so first I
tell you about Lea, my
, she is so
and she’s always there for me and
soooo good! She moved to Canada though
I still wish she didn’t move, we had so many good memories in Florida (where I
) like we both got our ears pierced together, and we got them at the
and the same day we got BFF necklaces because tomorrow she was moving……it was like a goodbye party……waaa!! *sniff* so that’s Lea……my Birthday is coming up………the only thing I want for my birthday is to see Lea……I don’t care if it was for a day or a week, every minute would count! Well I gotta
One week until my Hurray!! I don’t have any party stuff except the invites sent; I don’t even know where to have my party! Well I hope all goes well………
Three more days until my B-day!!!
Two more days until my B to the D to the A to the Y!
TOMORROW’S MY B-DAY!! I’m panicking! I still don’t have anything ready! My mom and dad aren’t even doing anything! WHAT KIND OF PARENT’S ARE THEY??!!!
WHAT?!?!?!? a stupid mystery trip??!! Ok here’s what happened:
Me: mom!! My Birthday is tomorrow!! Why don’t you have anything prepared??!!
Mom: calm down hun! Your sis-I mean I don’t know what I’m saying………
Dad: we’re giving you a mystery trip!
Me: a WHAT?!?!? That’s ALL for my BIRTHDAY?!?!?!?
Dad: trust us you’ll like it!
Mom: so you can calm down and eat your breakfast
Me: uuuuuuhhhhhhh!!
This is my 13th birthday! I would want something better than a stinkin mystery trip! I wish Lea was here…………
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