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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiz: do you have Internet addiction? lol

Test to see if you are completely addicted to the computer. (this is just a quiz, I didn't aim this at anybody AT ALL)

1. you just got home from school, whats the first thing you do?

A. Have a snack, do homework, Watch TV or just hang around the house

B. make a craft, check once to see if someone is on IM, or watch TV

C. rush to the computer to see if someone is on IM, check your blog, check your email, or check everything

2. do you have any friend's on your buddy list that you've never met in person?

A. NO! it's dangerous

B. only 1 or 2

C. yeah, when I get bored and nobody is on, I search IM names to find someone to chat with, I now have 7.

3. do you ever say in person, "omg!" or "ttyl" or a saying like that?

A. No

B. sometimes

C. Yeah all the time.

4. when you get into a fight with a friend, do you threaten to take them off your buddy list or get them blocked from it?

A. No, why would I do that?

B. Just once

C. Yes

Tally up your score!

Mostly A's

Internet is not for you, you'd rather be doing other things, you only go online if you have to for a important reason.

Mostly B's
your not addicted, but you do go on a lot, it's good your not spending the whole day inside and online.

Mostly C's
Hate to brake it to ya, but you've got a case of the Internet Addiction. you go on way more then you should in a day, maybe do more activities to get away from the Internet, and try to make it through a day without going online, then maybe try 2 days then a week. maybe you'll brake free from the disease!



cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

