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Monday, March 31, 2008


this morning I went to the Preteenz blog, THERE FRIENDS AGAIN!

Wow! I can't believe they are! I thought they wouldn't be Friends for GOOD.
I wonder what's gonna happen now......


Sunday, March 30, 2008


as soon as I posted the post right below this 1, I thought the next theme should be Beach's and Summer!

GO SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol



Aaaa! Help! I don't know what theme my blog should be now!

if ya got any idea's tell me

I need YOUR help! (lol! I sound like Dora the Explorer)


Thursday, March 27, 2008

What if?

I was thinking in the car, like I usually do lol (its my quite thinking time lol)

and what if I never grew up were I did? what if my dad convinced my mom to go somewhere ELSE!
I would have never went to the playground one day, and would have never met Nicole! I would never have went to the fairs that are were I live. and never had sunshine gardens or Charlie the tree! (sunshine gardens is a lil place that me, Sarah, and Penny cleaned up. then Nicole came over and we decorated the furniture and Charlie the Tree is a Tree I named that covers sunshine gardens)

so I'm reallyyy glad I grew up were I did! =D

~Hannah~ (the girl who names tree's lol)

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well howdy there! lol

today I played with Nicole! =D
but it's strange since I'm 13 now and Nicole is still 12......and sometimes she acts older than me (sometimes) lol it's like, if your mom acted like a 3 year old and you acted like a mother.......creepy lol.

yeahh sometimes I think creepy thoughts like that lol, like, what it would be like if you could jump reallyyyyy high, like higher than your house. or if you could fly, or breath underwater....some things that I'll never get to do lol


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I haven't been doing anything lately, except Ice Skating with Nicole one time, I can't wait until summer! I'm seriously a summer girl, lol it's weird because I was born in the winter but I love summer. winter is O.K. and really pretty when it first snows and there's no mud on the snow. but when you can't play in it, it makes me wish it was summer, I loveee wearing summer clothes and going to the beach and the lake and just being outside, I might have told you before, that we have a tire swing that I like to be on, last summer I was almost on it everyday.

aahhh summer......boohoo now I'm


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ice Skatin (again)

hey! I'm gonna make a blog maybe about my ice skating progress.

but today me and Nicole went Ice Skating, and I'm also taking Ice Skating Lessons. it's just so much fun and I can feel myself slowly improving! =D

wait 1 sec I'm gonna make the blog and give you the address.......okay it's

still need to do the layout and stuffs



cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

