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Friday, February 1, 2008


I went to the Ice Skating Rink again lol, I go with Sarah every week. we used to do this other activity but it got boring so we do this instead. it's Penny, Sarah, Sarah's mom, Sarah's little brother, Me, My mom and my little brother. sometimes other homeschoolers come, like this time. in our group (don't know how they got in) there is this mother and her 12 year old and around 8 year old daughters. their mother is CREEPY! she is sort of short and has ear, mouth, nose, eyebrow and I think others on her face. and she wears knitted clothes it looks like she's poor. and her daughters sort of dress the same but without the piercings (thank goodness!) and the 12 year old girl wanted to sit with me and Sarah. we were eating fries and stuff and she said "oh I can't have that my mom is REALLY strict with what I eat." and then Sarah's mom said "oh I think they have fruit over there" and Sarah was sooo nice! and said "I can buy it for you" you could tell that the girl was about to cry. I don't know why but her voice was like it was going to. and then when we got back on the ice she was telling us that her favorite day is Friday because she goes to her dad's house on Fridays and that her mom and dad never got married! and having her was a MISTAKE! and her teeth, her little sister's teeth, and her mom's teeth were all crooked! she can never watch TV only on the weekends and I think internet too. poor her =(

but besides that, there was this women I keep seeing there and she showed me and Sarah some stuff. she was pretty nice!



Anonymous said...

She was not a MISTAKE! Look up the definition! That is cruel to say! They didn't MEAN to have her, but they don't regret it now that she is there, okay, so don't say that. And just because they wear knitted clothing does not mean that they are poor. Sometimes my grandma does, and they have a lot of money! Also, because they mom has peircings, that does not make her creepy. For future reference, it is not good to critisize, and to pick people apart.

Hannah said...

she told us it was a mistake to have her, and yeah I wear knitted clothes too sometimes. and there Family does witch craft or whatever it's called. my friend Sarah's mom said you have to just "accept" them for what they believe in. which I try to, that's why me and Sarah were trying to include her and stuff. but my opinion is I think it's kinda scary.


cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

