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Monday, December 31, 2007

A story

here is a pointless story by hannah.

once lived a girl, she lived with her mom and dad and baby sister who always crys. one day the girl went downstairs, and her mom said "I hate you" and then the dad said "eat me! I hate you too!!" and then the baby sister said "h...hhh.....hhhh...."

the girl got mad, and ate them



you can say I'm "average" on a pretty scale, I'm not like so ugly with big zits everywhere on my face, but I'm not THIS pretty:

(this is taylor swift, a country singer, I don't like how she's so serious in this pic, but isn't she pretty?)

sometimes I look in the mirror and say like "ugh!" and other times I'm like "I guess I'm ok" and move on lol, I have my mom's dreaded smile, and part of her teeth and part of my dad's (thank goodness!) so I look better if I don't smile, but I'm a smiley person so I smile anyways! lol

p.s. inspired to show...well some of my feelings on my blog by Nicole! yayyy! lol


OMG!! I think I drank a little tiny bit of a margarita! (if ya don't know what it is, it's a drink with ALCOHOL!)

ok, so I went with Haylie out to eat, and we wanted our usual drink (which is a margarita WITHOUT alcohol) strawberry, so when the waitress gave it to us, I drank a little bit and thought it tasted funny, so I asked mom to take a sip, without taking a sip like I asked, she said "no there's no alcohol in it Hannah, they'd get fired." so I slowly took another sip. and the waitress came over and said "ohhh I'm not too sure let me take those" and my mom and Haylie's mom were like having a "what?!" look. and I had a little headache after drinking it. but not dizzy or anything and I had a headache on the way over to Sarah's house. but still I didn't really drink the new one just in case.


Sunday, December 30, 2007


I have a lil town on the side! they stare at you........scary lol


Bad Mood

sorry Kelly, I was in sort of a bad mood yesterday because me and Nicole stayed up to I think 3 in the morning. and I bet Nicole was in a bad mood too!

so sorry if I was going insane with copying that day, I like to end fights, not start them.


5 strikes

ok now I'm gonna try be more mellow and not get upset about copying until they do it 5 times...maybe but it will take a while!

so come my little bee's! try to make me mad by copying but it won't work!



Saturday, December 29, 2007


me and Nicole had a sleepover! we were trying to make a movie, it was about these two rich spoiled brats, they got whatever they wanted. one day their dad wouldn't give them enough money for allowance, so they ran away, but they had no clue a tornado was coming, while their parents were coming out to look for them, they came back and went to their room which was on the third floor, and they saw the tornado coming, but they were stuck in their room, and died. when their parents came back they saw the house and then saw one of the sister's hands and a flower in it.

talk about a R rated movie! lol

p.s. I would show a picture but I couldn't find any! darn!

Friday, December 28, 2007


lol I'm kind of like Preteenz cuz they get mad about anyone slightly copying them. and who doesn't?? thats one of the things that gets me mad! and DEMENTED!! and KOOKOO CRAZY!! so does anyone get as annoyed as I am about copying?

leave a comment!

p.s. it's ok Hannah...calm down....calm down......put the big piano this is little voice inside of me!

Thursday, December 27, 2007


lol EVERYONE is doing poems! so I thought I'd make one lol

this is just sad....sad and

"Summer" (not my best and it's SAD!!!)

the warm sunshine on your cheeks
the silky sand between your toes

the joy of walking with a friend
down to the beach.

the summer crickets making their delightful sound
as you lay beneath the stars

wonderful summer days will stay with you forever.

By Hannah

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2 New Stuffs

scroll all the way down to see a letter that you can sign! just no swears! lol not like you would.........and I have a website counter! I always wanted one! lol

now I gotta go cuz I'm changing my IM icon

see ya!


Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Yay!.....and Boo!

I got what I asked for! Yay!! and my grandmother didn't get me something really kiddish like the disney princess's (she thinks that all boys like toy trucks and all girls like princess's lol) she got me this pillow that plays music! I had no idea pillow's could be musical instruments!

but Christmas came as fast as it left, tomorrow is no more Christmas =(
I didn't get Uggs but Nicole said they're more about the fashion then being comfy, so I bet their just normal boots. so I guess it doesn't matter.

when I first get all my Present's it seems like a lot but then after I bring them to my room and put them places it Dosen't seem like any! I wonder if Nicole's Uggs are big enough so I can see what they feel like......

well anyways Merry Christmas!


Sunday, December 23, 2007

New Year Resolutions

(I spelled it wrong I just know it! lol) here are some resolutions I'm makin

1. to always be nice
2. never change my personality
3. to always act like a kid inside

lol there all serious!


Christmas Presents!

we have a lot of presents under the tree, but not that much. we usually have more, I hope there's more Christmas morning!! but we probaly won't.........for a..some reason least I'll even get presents........I also wanna see what uggs feel like! everyone goes CRAZY over em! (well almost everyone) I'd be ashamed to wear them because I'd be "fitting in" but I'd like to wear them to see if they're like your walking on heaven lol

lol for most kids it's the other way around, they wouldn't care if they're cozy or not they'd wear them to fit in lol.


Thursday, December 20, 2007


have you ever known somebody that for some reason just GET ON YOUR NERVES! that you just hate their guts? the way they talk about things just makes you mad? teehee...


Black Puppy

I don't like your Hair.

I don't like your face.

stay away from me blanky and no one gets bit...


uhhhh I don't know what to talk about nnnnnnuuuuhhhhhhh

I like chocolate cake!


Monday, December 17, 2007


when I'm bored and need something to do I play with my Brother, (my brother doesn't look this demented lol!) he's so much younger than me but that's what makes it fun because he doesn't look at me funny or judge me (doesn't really look at me at all lol) and is there a law against playing with your family members?!??!?!?! he's not my best friend, but at times is fun to play with!



hi I've been just taking little brakes from posting, it's not like I'm stopping or anything, by the way check out my christmas blog at:

I might post there sometimes too

check it out!


Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hey Kelly, tell all your little secrets and stuff on a blog with invite only.....if ya know what I'm talkin about.......

p.s. AHEM!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I just LOVE makin movies with camtashia studios! (I didn't spell it right lol) it's so much fun! and exciting when it's done! like one time I made a music video with Nicole in it and it looked AMAZING I keep watching it over and over cause it rocks! it looks like a real music video! the music is "four walls" by Cheyenne Kimball, it shows Nicole getting her scooter and then it shows the clouds and then shows Nicole walking, lol well it's pretty good for a couple of 12 year olds!


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sarah's House

today I went to Sarah's house, we haven't seen each other for a while so she wasn't annoying and we laughed together! yay! lol for the strangest things she makes me laugh! like if she just hit her finger or something and said "ow!!" she'll make me laugh cause she said it "differently" she's a good cook too.....lucky =(

but Nicole, like on her blog, "is good for a good LONG HARD LAUGH!" lol



Crystal is a girl that tells it as it is in my head, I used to call it M.A.G (mind imagination girl) put she's only mind now, she has light crystal blue eyes (but their not so blinding and light that their zombie-ish lol) and black silk hair, she doesn't really go to school, her friends are lily and.....well I dunno lol but my friends Sarah Haley and Nicole have one but I only know the name of Nicole's lol, their's this thing called "mind money" its like money, but instead memory, you see, lets say you were building a house for your M.A.G you can only build as much as you can remember, then once you get used to it you can build more! this is a sketch I did of it a while ago,

its blurry, but I have a bedroom (to your right) a kitchen (to your left) and a TV room (in the lower meddle) and a recording studio (in your upper meddle) to your far left, is what used to be a garden, but I changed it into a pool and hut tub, since it snowed their today, she doesn't use it anymore lol, she can heat it but it takes a while, so she doesn't do it a lot.

yes a normal 12 year old girl would probably not still have a imagination friend, but it's not it's a mind girl lol and like I said I'm abnormal! and I'm proud! lol

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!??......................................I did nothing today lol, and I really didn't want to cause my muscle hurts from sledding and snowboarding 3 days in a row lol and I also hurt "you know where" when I was snowboarding! have you ever had that constant pane where you don't know what to do with yourself and it hurts so much that you want to cry but you can't? well thats what it felt like lol I was watching animal planet and this show was on it's called "animal precinct" or something like that and they arrest people for abusing animals, it's fun to watch but don't eat while your watching it....I did that mistake before lol, so this time a girl called the police to come and she told them that she heard this guy who "claims" he was going to kill this black cat!!!! then they look out the window and you see the cat wayyyyy down there...dead....and she also said the guy was chasing the cat up the stairs and it fell all the way down!! he got arrested................

it was so sad.......but you can't look away lol........but still very sad.......the cat was sort of adorable too!!


Monday, December 10, 2007

so disturbed

I had to make another post because the post before this post is so disturbed lol

now I will say random words:



ever heard the song "god loves ugly" by jordin sparks? lol well it goes like this...I will sing it to the worlds ugliest cat.....or thing..........whatever it is lol

but god lovessss uglyyyyyy and turns it into something so beautifullllllllll wing.....wing.......wingyaaaaaaaaaaa

Sunday, December 9, 2007


once, there was a snail, his name was Fred, Fred was slimy, very slimy, everyone laughed and called him slimy Fred, one day Fred didn't like it, so he crawled on them and made them slimy, then he got a cat and the cat ate them, then the cat spit them up in a hair ball, then Fred got a monkey and the monkey jumped on their heads then he threw them in the ocean....bye bye weren't eating when you were reading this were you? lol



I felt like doing this again:

are you a good friend? give these questions to yourself and think. do you do this? or don't you?

1. do you open your friend's Refrigerator?

2. do you make fun of your friend's family such as brothers or sisters even though your friend doesn't seem to mind?

3. do you do something your friend's mom told you and your friend not to do?

4. do you listen to your friend while she/he's talking?

here are answers:

for a good friend:

1. no
2. no
3. no
4. yes

for a bad friend:

1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. no


Kelly came over today (and yesteday lol) and we played guitar hero 3! it's fun cause it's like your really playing guitar..................although easier lol

mom bought more lights for the christmas tree and it looks much better and colorful!!

speaking of family and christmas, I have to admit, no matter what people say about my family, I wouldn't want any other, I like our goofy/weird/crazy/not right family lol and who cares if we're not the world's "best" or "prettiest" family!


p.s. 16 more days until christmas!! woohoo!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Snowy snow snow!!

yesterday me and my younger brother went outside to play in the snow! it was fun! lol it's weird cause he's like 6 and I'm like 12, but it's good to play with youngsters! lol I sounded like a grandma, but it's fun because they don't worry about anything so you just join in! of course there's Nicole to act like a kid with, but nothin beats the real thing! lol

hey Martha!! look its a "youngster" it's the REAL thing! touch it!

Margret I'm not going to touch it! it might bite!

fine I'll touch it!! OW!! IT BIT ME!!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Bravenet website

I made a website at bravenet, I'm not finished with it yet but you can look at it:


The good and the JUST PLAIN GROSS!

why must.....ya early......I thought girls mature faster than boys.....but I guess it's the other way around....................good luck Nicole!

a few funny picturessssssssssssssss

uhhhh why did it have to be so hot today?!??!?!!?!?!?

help my brother is so darn ugly!!!

haha! thought you could sneak up on me you lil stinker!!!

I swallowed a frog helpppp!!

I hate my owner...................

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

YAYY!! read:

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Whats wrong with me?!??!

I keep checking my blog what's wrong with me!??!!?!?!?

Am I ill? lol


The interesting blog world

ok let me explain what blogs I know

Preteenz, I was bored so I was looking for new blogs to visit, so I did A LOT of trys before I fond preteenz, it was awesome! so I visited more often,

Dark Side Diary, from preteenz

Diary2girls, from preteenz

Diary of a soda pop girl, secretly one of my cousins

someone thats no one, Well DUH I'm best friend's with the girl that has that site! lol

Monday, December 3, 2007


Wawzers! Nicole didn't have school! I should sing more


here is a Christmas website I have just for the holidays! check it out here
Also I'm gonna change the layout on this site too!

(even though it's not christmas yet) Happy Holidays!



The first snow came this morning!! hurray!!! although I think Nicole still had to go to school. poor her standing outside in the snow and wind waiting for the bus........Nicole came over yesterday and we wanted our nails Christmas colors, hers were red and green and mine were candy canes (every time I look at them I wanna eat them lol)
let it snow let it snow let it Nicole doesn't have to go to schoollllll

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy =D

I'm HAPPY!!!!!! WOOO!!!! lol

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Kelly, from is my cousin (and friend) to see the bio of her go to the "friends" thing on the side

Friday, November 30, 2007


I was bored, so here's a quiz like thing on friendship 101!

1. if one of your friends keeps talking about how mad they are about something, listen, there trying to get their anger out and diary's only do half the work

2. when your on the phone with a friend, let them talk and then you talk, it's no fun if someone keeps talking and won't let you get a word in! (unless you don't feel like talking, let them talk lol)

3. also when your on the phone and someone keeps blabbing about something, and you finally get a word in, your friend shouldn't change the subject back to what she/he was talking about, your friend should care about what your talking about!

4. very very important, when your friend says "please stop" stop RIGHT AWAY.....I've had experience lol

5. if your friend all of a sudden dresses a 100% different, remind yourself that her attitude hasn't changed, just her clothes, and that your her friend for her, not what she wears.

6. just be nice to your friends! keep reminding yourself what a true friend does and do it!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Life's Cutest things

don't you wish you were this CUTE?!


I hear it from Nicole and I hear it from Haley know that guy's like.................t....h.em............and since kindergarten!! we are living in a disgusting world! lol I'm glad I don't go to school!!! Nicole is the only one in her school...I think....that isn't a sicko lol and in Haley's school I think she has friend's who aren't sicko's too, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with it.......not like I'd have to cause nobody would sometime's my slight uglyness comes in handy! lol


I used to do the Nutcracker ballet since I was I think 5, I used to fall asleep on the way there lol, the only Part I liked was the feeling when you had to go up on stage and dance, then Olivia (my former friend) joined then a couple years later we agreed to do gymnastics instead, Olivia was really really good at it, so she left me to go to level 2 while I was stuck alone at level 1, after a year my mom switched me to a different day, and I suddenly didn't like it, I was all alone so I quit...sad ant it? lol I think it's sad because I love the bars where you have to flip around and stuff but I'm wayyyy too tall to do gymnastics now, well sometime me and Nicole are going to see the nutcracker! it's been a long time since I was there! lol I'm used to acting so seeing people who don't talk and just waddle around dancin will be funnnnyyyyy teehee!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


so Nicole went to the dentist and the dentist said "oh you have the most prettiest eyes!" and that's not the first time! Nicole also went to New York City one time and went to this Chinese store and a random Chinese adult women person came up to Nicole and said the same thing!! Weird ant it?


I just Finished another Mr. Chocolate Yumyums Hunt and BOY it took LONG!! SO YA BETTER ENJOY IT!!!!!! lol


Monday, November 26, 2007


Lol like my new layout? if you scroll down.....they all come with you......if you scroll up....they come with you.....their


Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Holidays!

scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and leave a present for me! I'm telling Preteenz about it so I can leave a present on there's too!

Werid ant it?

Ant it weird how when someone is like 11-5 and how playful and fun and don't care what people think to a person 12-over and how they change a little? Hmm I just think its strange....well anyways!


Sad little me

Nicole is going to the movies with her friend (and my former friend) Liz, I'm sad because there going to see enchanted and I really wanted to see that with Nicole....oh well shes bored so shes gonna do it! waaa I wish she could go with me when I got better!!

.....................................that smiley scares me...............................................

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More Funny Amusement

Mmmm look at that Fly......

Johny! don't stare at it's eyes!!! Johny?? JOHNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny Amusement

Mommy says that if I cover my nose I won't be as hideous so she'll finally talk to me!!

this is wrong.....


Don't I look puretty?

hey! do you think I can be the caterpillar in Alice in wonderland now? it took a lot of surgery so I BETTER GET IT!!!


cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

