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Thursday, January 31, 2008

more of the story of Mia

lol you guys probaly hate it but it's fun to write this! so I'm forcing you to read it! lol

Mia started to walk over to the table where Olivia and the person she was talking to, Olivia didn’t even notice (or want to notice) Mia. Mia felt weird. “I wonder if she doesn’t want me around right now.” Mia thought. “Who’s THAT?” blurted the girl who was talking with Olivia. Olivia said nothing. “What’s with her HAIR?! It’s SO last season!!” Olivia said nothing still. “I don’t know WHO you are but face it, you’re a todal geek.” Mia felt really mad, “why isn’t Olivia standing up for me?!” Mia thought. Olivia pretended that she didn’t even hear what the girl said and also pretended that she didn’t know Mia was standing there. “Oh Mia! Hi!” said Olivia. “…who’s your…friend?” Mia stumbled. “Oh this is Tracy, she asked if I wanted to sit with them.” Said Olivia, Mia looked around, who did she mean by *them*. All of a sudden about 9 other kids came to sit beside Tracy and Olivia. Mia noticed these faces…they were the POPULARS! Mia was in complete shock. She started to feel very uncomfortable “oh um, I gotta go I didn’t eat all my lunch yet…uh…by” said Mia and walked away.

What’s wrong with Olivia?? Sitting with the POPULARS! That’s SO not her! I can’t believe her! She didn’t stand up for me! I hope she doesn’t…never mind


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More about Mia

here's some more of the story. and tell me what you think of the story so far, I wanna know!

The next day a miracle did happen! The schools were open again and Mia fond herself getting all pretty! She wore a T-shirt that said “Sunshine!” on it; she had gotten it from Olivia when she went to camp. And jeans, she curled her hair a little so there was a slight curl just the way she liked it, and she spent 2 minutes to brush her teeth! (She only spent 20 seconds) her day was turning out AMAZING! the teachers were happy that morning, her lunch was great. But just as it got too good to be true, after she had almost got done eating and wondered where Olivia was, she saw her sitting next to a girl with dark chocolate brown eyes and hair. They were laughing SO hard together! “Hey, I thought that was me and Olivia’s thing…who IS she?” Mia thought. Mia wanted to see what this was all about, so she started walking towards the table where they sat.


Monday, January 28, 2008

More to the Mia story

The Mia story continues!

I can’t believe out of ALL people I had to bump into TIA! She’s my WORST enemy! Here’s our conversation *shivers*

Mom: *looks at Tia* well hello, Mia do you know her? *doesn’t answer* Mia?....hello Mia?

Me: uh, yeah.

Mom: *looks at Tia* what’s your name?

Tia: Tia…

Mom: oh well nice to meet you Tia, Mia is this a friend of yours?

My mom just HAS to know everything. She kept questioning until I realized if I just explained everything we could leave sooner and I wouldn’t have to stare at Tia and her big fat pimple on her forehead…

Me: she’s um, an old friend of mine. But uh…nice to um…see you again…Tia…we should get going come on!

Mom: oh all right.

I was glad to get out of there. Now every time I’m somewhere like…the grocery store…I’ll remember how more awful it was to be in that stare with Tia…

The next day it was still raining, with more wind. Mia’s mom couldn’t go to as many places like the Library or Grocery store since it was flooding around that area. Mia was starting to want to go to school now. She missed her best friend Olivia. She couldn’t go to her house since the way there was flooding high. So she just got more and more miserable because she couldn’t see her best friend and because she had more time to think about her mom and step dad being divorced. Mia looked out her window and hoped a miracle would happen.

stop being a big fat meanie ding dong!

sorry if I've been mean to any one lately. and Haley, sorry if I called you little at the skating rink. I didn't mean to make fun of you. it's just every time I go skating people fall right in front of me! lol like when I was skating with Libby. a person right ahead of me fell! it's funny, but again sorry and I didn't mean to call you little..


Sunday, January 27, 2008

working on a layout....

if your wondering why i have a m&m background, is because I'm gonna have a candy theme.



Nicole showed me this video!!! ITS THE BEST YOUTUBE VIDEO I HAVE EVER SEEN!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ice Skating!

today me and Haley went ice skating, when we went to get our skates on, I looked out onto the ice and saw a girl spinning around in a circle reallyyy good and I was like "wow! she's good!" then I realized it was NICOLE! I waved to her and she waved back and then later I saw a girl that looked like she was skating with a blonde girl and then they fell, turns out it was LYNSAY and she wasn't with the girl, they just bumped into each other. Also there was this women who fell on the back of her head and Nicole said she had a concussion. my mom was wondering why it took them so long to get her off the ice. they were probaly wondering if it was necessary.

LOL! it was sooo funny Also cause there was this girl who had blonde hair and was like a courter of my size and she bumped into me and she kept hanging on to me!! I was like "ohhh haha...oops...sorry" it was so funny!!

STILL don't have those spins down with yet, not even close...but oh well!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Don't feel speicaly

I don't feel that special, I thought I know if you like have a friend and know something only your friend and you know. or a puppy or dog that looks up to you (well no duh! they're shorter than you! lol!) or your someones role model? yeah soo......I NEED A PUPPY AND FAST!!!

this one looks like it thinks its a ferret lol


More of the story

here's more of the story of Mia:

The next day the schools were still closed, Mia started to really get annoyed when she woke up seeing her purple sheets, she didn’t want to make her mom sad and never use them again so she just lived with it.

Mia felt sleepy and rolled over; she was so sleepy she kept rolling over on her back and then her tummy until she hit the hard wood floors. One part of her was saying to jump back into bed and the other part of her was saying to just get dressed and move on with her day. She decided to move on with her day and got dressed and took a shower. When she was walking down the stairs she smelled the sweet smell of a good yummy breakfast once again. Mia following the sweet smell of the breakfast and didn’t know where she was going and hit into the wall. “Mia! You’re sure clumsy today! I heard a big thud up stairs, was that you?” said Mia’s mom. “……I fell out of my bed……” said Mia trying to recover from hitting the wall. “Hey! How about we go shopping today? We can go to Claires and all your favorite stores! K?” said Mia’s mom, “sure” said Mia.

Oh my gosh! How much is she going to get me?? I already have about 8 new things! I love how she’s getting me stuff like anyone else would; it’s just the reason why she’s getting me stuff! All the things she gives me will probably end up in my closet about a week from now! Well all well…

Mia and her mom were getting out of the car heading towards the mall when they bumped into Mia’s old friend……a friend Mia didn’t like anymore, she lied to Mia and told other people her secrets, and her name was Tia she was very mean! Mia stared at her, not sure what kind of expression she should make. Her mom stood there too, her mom didn’t even know this girl since she never came over.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sarah and school...

Sarah next year is going to school! its a school where you have to wear a uniform. and I told her if she changes her attitude at all I'LL PUNCH HER IN DA FACE!! lol well not harddddddd mwahahaha!!


A Story

here's a story I wrote:

Hi! My name is Mia! And I just got this awesome new Diary! It’s sort of like blue velvet-ish and it has in silver letters “My Journal”! Oh! My mom just came in, its 11:30 I’ve been writing and drawing all night, she’s telling me to go to sleep. So bye!

Mia put her journal on her new bedside table; it was a light crystal blue color with Diamond Handles, Mia Also had new purple sheets and whole bunch of other stuff. Her mom had gotten her these things and other stuff because her mom and step dad had divorced three days before. Mia didn’t like her step dad that much but it was still sad to see him leave. Mia hadn’t cried that night or any other night. She was wondering why, this was her step dad she had since she was three and soon Mia would be 13 in 5 weeks.

The next day it was raining, Mia looked down towards her new purple sheets and then over to her new Journal, she was quite happy, but then realized why her mom had gotten her these things and soon Mia had a frown. Schools were closed because there were flood watches just 4 miles away from Mia’s house. Mia jumped to her feet startled because a small stick had hit her window. Mia didn’t bother getting dressed right away and went downstairs, where she started to smell pancakes! Mia’s mom never made pancakes! Mia rushed into the kitchen where she saw her mom making pancakes, she was also making scrambled eggs and there was a bowl of cereal, a smoothie and a banana waiting for Mia to eat them on the kitchen table.

“Mom what are you doing??” said Mia as she was looking around the kitchen seeing all the food

“Smells good huh? I’ve got chocolate chip muffins in the oven too” Said Mia’s mom

Mia suddenly knew why there was so much yummy food everywhere; it was the same reason why her mom had bought her the blue velvet journal, bedside table, purple sheets and all the rest of the stuff, because her mom had divorced. Mia didn’t know how long this would go for, but she was starting to like it, a lot.

tell me if you'd like to see more of this story!


Lil entertainment


Person: come on come on! oh oops! you didn't get it okay, come on come on oops! you missed again MWAHAHA!


Ice Skating chart

I'll update it later when me and Haley go ice skating so Haley can be on the chart!

professional Ice Skater Line: Michelle Kwan that other girl thats name starts with Michelle

On your way there Line: Nicole




not professional Ice Skater Line: ________________________________________________________________

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


hey Nicole did your step mom tell you we might play tomorrow? that tis if your not doin anythin.

right now it's 9:13pm and I gotta go to bed in a minute, I watched American Idol tonight it was funny lol gotta love the auditions! mwahahaha! lol

I will now make a chart of how close my friends are from being famous.

Famous Line: Miley Cyrus Kelly Clarkson Alisha keys


None Famous Line: Me Haley Penny

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Me and Kelly, and Nicole and her three friends

wow! the same day me and Kelly are going ice skating, Nicole and her three friends are going! Nicole has met all my friends (since I've never made new ones lol), but I've only met three of hers in person. (one is Lynsay but I already knew her and the other I already knew from girl scouts) and she has around 20! so I'll get to meet two of her friends.....or at least see them lol

it's going to be SO crowded because that same day me and Nicole went and it was so busy we could barely do tricks!

but still FUN FUN FUN!! lol



another fight launched because of a post I did!! grrr!! I hate myself writing before thinking!! I'm a ugly fat mean hermit! BITE ME!!


good friend quality's

here is what a good friend does:

1. doesn't judge you
2. doesn't make you feel horrible about yourself
3. supports you no matter what
4. someone who doesn't lie ALL the time
5. someone who doesn't only point out the bad things in your hard work
6. someone who doesn't try to get every possible positive comment out of you about her/him

here is what a bad friend does:

1. judges you
2. says that your only half nice
3. doesn't support you
4. could care less about your feelings
5. makes you feel down right horrible about yourself
6. lies so much you just can't handle it!

I was bored lol



Why do I get so excited when I'm going to go Ice Skating?? is this a secret passion I never knew about? or do I just like getting dizzy? lol


Monday, January 21, 2008

Whats your fave?

leave a post and tell your favorite activities to do, and what your favorite foods are!

my favorite activities are: singing (even though I'm bad at it lol)
acting, ice skating, playing soccer (a lil), baking, writing, photography (a lil lol)

my favorite foods are: cherries, creme horns, lemon squares, Chocolate fudge cakes (gaaaahhh) pizza, cheese bread sticks, anything Italian (pretty much), chocolate chip cookies, sweet pop corn, ice cream, and lots more lol

this looks soooo good whatever it is! lol

I'M HUNGRY!! lol


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ice Skating

yesterday me and Nicole went ice skating, it was really fun! but REALLY crowded, so it was hard to skate and do tricks, even though I can spin in a circle I do it for only like 1 second lol, Nicole did it once for like around 5 seconds.

it would take me a LONG time to do something like THIS:

I like skating for fun and the thrill, so I probaly wouldn't want to take lessons right away (and besides if me and Nicole started lessons we'd start with the little kids!)

I have an urge to go skating again! and I want my own skates so maybe I can practice on a pond near our house or something.

I love ice skating! weeeeeee!! lol


Saturday, January 19, 2008

What Should I do????

ugh! I'm not really sure what I should do for my birthday party!

I was going to have a Limo and go to a Hotel, but it will just be the Hotel part, my Friend Haley won't be there though...."sniff"

but have any idea's what we should do while we're there?
heres what I got:

1. paint our nails
2. tell the dreaded TRUTH OR DARE (dun dun dunnn) lol
3. do a manicure and pedicure like at spa's
4. run up and down the Hotel halls (heehee!!)
5. eat chunk food (yay!!)
6. do a talent show

any other idea's??? I need some!!


Friday, January 18, 2008


me and Sarah were in the car heading to the Library after we went ice skating, and we were playing with Sarah's Cell phone, I sent a text message to my dad saying "Hi Loser!" lol! when his phone got it, it played a ballerina ring tone!! LOL!! he said he hadn't set up the ring for texting yet, when we got there me and Sarah hid somewhere and sent another text message to my dad, lol he was talking with someone he knew and once we sent it, it played the ballerina ring tone right in front of him!! LOL!!! I was almost crying it was so funny! it said "Hi Dad! sorry to interrupt you! MWAHAHAHA!!"

and so I started to want one a little, but WILL NOT give in to the "teenage" ways! neverrrr!! lol

so Nicole, if you got a cell phone? what kind would it be? tracphone?


Thursday, January 17, 2008


lol Nicole is right, it's Fun to tell secrets! (to someone you trust of course! lol) and it's so cool how it hasn't affected our friendship or how we look at each other now! wooo! lol today I'm playing with Nicole, she's comin over here. one thing I love to do with her is make creations (which is where you get food that would sound good together and make it and act like your on a TV cooking show) but 1. we have to be "in da mood" and 2. we gotta have a lot of food lol so yay!

(this is a picture I drew a long time ago.....don't ask why I'm showing you it lol)


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


sorry for not updatin for a while lol, sometimes your addicted to your blog and sometimes you wanna go anywhere but here!

I went to the dentist today and he said I need braces (for the 3rd time lol)
I'd look terrible with braces!....or would I? lol

and then theirs the dreaded he kept pickin at my gums cause I had a lot of "black"? I think I said it wrong lol but I only chewed on one side so thats why I had it, and I didn't have any cavities! yay! lol

well anyways!


Monday, January 14, 2008


last night my mom said she fond pictures of me and Nicole when we were like 4 around when we met and I said "oooo!! bring da pictures to me!!"

Nicole in all the pictures were shy and had glasses and she was wearing all my clothes! lol
she had this golden sequined skirt and top I wore at ballet.

I was all smiley and happy and I had a Cinderella blue like dress on.......wonder what we were

we looked so different back then and adorable!!! awww!!!

we looked like da bestest of friendys! and still are! yay!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Downhill so far...WILL turn around!

ok, so Nicole told Kelly Nicole's secret before she told me....not that bad I mean she didn't know how I'd handle it right? so I guess she didn't want to keep it inside so she told Kelly?

I mean it's just a little downhill, it's nothing to be mad or sad about right?

it's just a baseball size rock that hit my foot......nothing like 5 basketball rocks hitting my head right? lol

I'm talking to pathetic lol

I'm big deal



yes I spent TWO days not constantly checking my blog and other blogs!! WOOO!! lol

the first day at around sunset me my dad and my little brother and my mom went to go play tennis it was funnn

the second day me my little brother and my dad and my older brother (who took his bike to the tennis court) and played tennis somewhere else and I got good at serving the ball! go me go me! lol, then my older brother went home and me my little brother and my dad went to go bowling (but we didn't we just played the games lol) then we went to go on this playground near by and daddy tried to tag us....but he wasn't even trying lol, I was being slow cause I wanted him to tag me but he went slower than I did lol it was like snails trying to tag snails lol

lol count how many times I said "lol" and you win a prize! then read the rest of the letter to see what your prize is!

your prize is.........a job well done! lol

~Hannah~ (forever lol's lol!)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

being 12

I've noticed that ever since I turned 12, it's been a upsy downsy roller coaster life and a soap Oprah like life! or as celebrity's say "its been crazy" lol, they ALWAYS say that! it drives me crazy! lol who knows if this is the beginning or the end...and no I'm not dieing lol


Nicole still me bestest friend!

you'd think since we're best friend's we know each others secrets.....and ALL of when we started telling each other secrets on IM I felt closer to me popeye Nicole! oh and don't worry Nicole I won't tell anyone...and I hope you don't either....

I'm like all sweaty from the suspense! lol


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Never Mind!

never mind before what I said Nicole.....I'm trying to not let it bug me at all! your a
Mr. Googleyfrance (heeehee!!)

and no one else can be one.....or I spit on them!


Good ol Nicole

sometimes we're not nice to each other lol, like when I was doing a school activity with Nicole, one of her friends said a math question and for me to answer it, and when I couldn't answer it (cause I stink at math) Nicole started joking that I wasn't good at it, but then me Sarah Penny and Nicole were at my 12th birthday and I started saying....well I didn't know it was a secret but it was kind of "private" and I told Sarah and Penny, Nicole's "secret" sooo we can be mean to each other sometimes and write in our diary's how bad each other are lol, but we have fun and laugh MOST of the time. but sometimes I have to shake the "schoolness" off her.....its not like school is bad or anything....she just acts different and I gotta shake it off her lol yes good old Nicole! (teehee)(nicole is the cat heehee!!)



ever since she became my friend, (when she stopped being my brother's friend) she's been the same! not one lil bit of change! COMPLETELY unchanged! sometimes she gets on my nerves (like when we had a sleepover and she got my pillow and started hitting me with it and all I wanted was rest lol) and she does have a tiny bit "teenager" but like the homeschooling kind (the kind that is friendly and doesn't look at you like you don't fit in) but she acts like she's 12 (which is a good thing) she does have a cell phone...but we play bratz sometimes when she comes over, she doesn't want you know "interesting" clothes and she doesn't want like a tattoo or her belly button pierced (thats good too lol)


Nicole? Nicole?? NOOOOOO!

just remember everyone....and remember well.....age 10...age 11......age 12.......10 is young right? is 11 yes? these right up with 12 makes 12 young and it tis!


12 11 10!

10 11 12

12 11 10! SAY IT WITH ME NOW!

12 12 11 11 10!!

yes breath it, get it stuck in your head, remember it!


me and Crystal

me and crystal are what you call "tight" lol, I tell everything to her, I almost tell her MORE than what I tell my diary. I tell her whats up with my friends....and since she won't tell anyone I tell her about....well sort of the bad sides to my friends, I won't say who I talk about mostly, and lol it's kind of weird this person in my head I tell everything to!

but she's really fun to talk to, if only you could meet her!


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I wonder if Nicole will move to California to audition for commercials and such and won't come back, just for one little visit....just to see her family?

OR will she really want it but end up having a regular job when she gets older?

OR will she go and no body said yes to her so she moved back?

lol this is whats going in my mind sometimes....



I didn't even know it but this is my 100th post!! wooo!!


heehee! dashboard says it's 101th post, but my archives says its 96 I think.....okaayyy



lol I changed my theme to stars, I LOVED the stars that I used for my background! I found it and really wanted to use it............I love it's random-niss! YAY FOR BEING RANDOM AND JUST NOT NORMAL!!



Monday, January 7, 2008

a Version I found on the internet

- Hi stupid!
- Hi Ken!
- You wanna go kill yourself?
- Sure, Ken!
- Jump in!
- Ha ha ha ha!

I'm a stupid girl in the retard world
Life in disabled, it's fantastic
You can brush my car, DRAG me everywhere
Imagination, life is messed up

Come on, retard, let's go potty

I'm a rabid girl in the foamy world
Life in stupid, it's fantastic
You can brush my back, and stick me with a tac
the retard nation, life is your sensation

I'm a butt ugly girl in the therapy world
beat me up, take your time, your mean!
You're so ugly, rock and roll, feel the bruises and pain
hit me here, poke me there, stupid head!

You can hit, you can make me barf
You can say I'm always a dork, oooh whoa

I'm a retard girl in the fat world
Life in mcdonalds, it's fatatastic
You can make my heart stop, eat me anywhere
fat, life is your creation

Come on, retards, let's go potty, ha ha ha, yeah
Come on, retards, let's go potty, oooh, oooh
Come on, retards, let's go potty, ha ha ha, yeah
Come on, retards, let's go potty, oooh, oooh

Make me die, make me cry, do whatever you please
I can go, I can scream pain
Come retards, jump around town, let us hit you again
Hit the town, hit around, let's go potty

Sunday, January 6, 2008


if your wondering, no, I'm not obsessed about monkeys lol, I just love THESE cute cartoon monkeys! HOW CAN YOU NOT? lol


Some Stuffs

Nicole wanted me to come along with Erin (the creepy boy) and Lynsey to go skating. but I said no. say what you want but I'm not really the "guy friend" sort of person, I can "hang around" with my Friend's and their guy friends, but I wouldn't really have one for a best friend or a friend.

p.s. Nicole said Erin called her and apologized.....for something I will not I guess their friends or something now. so they're going with Lynsey skating, I feel bad that I said no.....but anyways......UGH! Sarah's laugh is stuck in my head!! arrggg!!


me and Nicole have a band, we used to dream that we would become famous with our band! but then for some reason we haven't been singing together as much....and I stink at singing lol. but Nicole is more focused on acting, quoting her "I'm going to be doing three different acting things all summer, because acting is all I want to do, I just love it!"

I'm gonna imagine whats going to happen in the future for all my friends and me.

Haylie: becomes a book writer, or a regular adult job.

Sarah: 50% singer 50% regular adult job

Penny: model (possibly) and or regular adult job.

Nicole: actress

Me: doing a magazine or newspaper company.

but what everyone (I think) wants to be is:

Haylie: Singer

Sarah: Singer

Penny: (I think) Singer

Nicole: actress

Me: Singer!

lol creepy we all want to be that! but I don't know for sure.


Friday, January 4, 2008


Oh I just hit my knee on something really hard! ouchy! lol

today I played with Nicole, we pretended their was an earth quake or a tornado and we had to hide in cardboard lol, it funnnn

p.s. did ya see my lil monkeys and stuffs?

Project Runway

Project Runway is a TV reality show (I think) were there are designers that have to make a outfit with the rules of the judges. lol last night I watched a new Project Runway with my mom and they had to make an outfit out of Hershey's candy! it's fun when they get frustrated lol! did you know that Twizzlers were from the makers of Hershey's? I didn't know lol, yeah so they have to make it in 2 days I think, then their models get the outfit on and the judges judge. their signature saying is "either your in or your out" lol, so one person will win that round. and one person will go home.

I Also like watching American Idol, the tryouts are SO FUNNY!!! but I heard that this year is Simon's last year judging, or next year is his last, wwwaaaaa! I loved his criticizing! lol


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hannah Montana

Nicole thinks I'm crazy about Miley Cyrus's music, I like her music, but she's sort of tune def...or whatever it's called lol, disagree with me if you must, but I just don't think she's that great, but she's pretty good.


IM with Kelly

I'm on IM with Kelly and we're talking about bebo and bebo groups to make.

: um... *Blog 4 evr* ?
Kelly: it sounds hip n kewl
Me: blog 4 evr girls?
: ok just blog 4 evr
: how about blog 4 ever?
Me: k
: yur kellyc390 right?
Kelly: what was the search we did to find the manga kids?
Kelly: yeah
Me: ummm
: manga teenagers
: no the kids
Me: yeah manga kids
: ok
Kelly: i have some picture albums out now


100 people???

100 people have visited my blog?? is that right? I wanna test somethin, anyone who comes to my blog refresh the page and tell me in my cbox if the number went up or nothing happened,

when I refresh the page nothing happens, so I wonder if anybody but me refreshes the page then the number goes up.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Bebo Page

Kelly made one and forced me to do it! but it's not what it looks like, there's a lot of options on Bebo it's pretty fun! to see me or add me, go here:

or go here if that doesn't work:

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


this is the most strangest movie you'll ever see...I think I saw it when I was 5 or 6..

lol has our favorite part.............the cat

IM chatty chat!

here's chat with Nicole 8):

Nicole: post!
me: u posttttt
Nicole: i did.

Nicole: lol
me: lol post more!
Nicole: in yo faceeeed
Nicole: fine! if u do!
Me: I have nuthin to post about lol
Me: ok wait I do

and thats what I'm posting about! lol


a little headache

today and yesterday I've been having little headaches, I know it cant be the alcohol because I had a little one on the way to Sarah's house. (by the way her dad makes yummy food!)



One Fight over with and anoher going down slope.

Haley said....well some stuff on the cbox, it's hard not to take it personally, of COURSE we'll still be friend's, because I remember she said a while ago "we'll always be friends because we're family!" yeah me and Haley are cousins......and so are me and kelly....anyways!

just a "little bumpy rode" right now like Kelly says.


By the way...

by the way happy new year!


"eyes get big shivers" Teenage simtoms

my mom said once randomly "oh you probaly won't tell me that much until you get older" and my grandma says "oh teenagers"

it drives me bonkers!! I don't want to be like those teenagers that are like "stay out of my life!!"
I love me mommy doodle kins! and daddy looney kins! (teehee)

this year I'm turning 13.....and no I don't want a cell phone, they're boring. lol


Friend Fights

ok so me and Nicole are not fighting anymore yay! we usually never really get mad at each other that lasts like for a week or something. but me and can last for a while, but just for a while, about maybe 4 days tops. not always but sometimes I'm the one who has to give in and say "your right" Haylie can fight back for a while.



cuteCOOKIEso cuteCute Juice Boxcolorful robots that stay the same



mwahaha! try to get the stupid carrot Jives!

give me my carrot or I'll bite you!

aaahhh help I can't stop wiping my face!!

one lil two lil three lil pandas

